Learn how to maintain your garden during the winter months!
It may be cold outside, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors and let your landscape sit idle in the frost. You’ve got a winter garden to tend to and enjoy. Here are some more tips on how to prepare your garden for spring during the winter months or just protect your landscape in preparation for spring gardening.
Mulch does important work during the summer months: deterring weeds, protecting plants, and retaining the ever important moisture. But it is just as, if not more, important in the winter months. Adding a layer of mulch can protect plant roots during the winter. Like in the summer, it holds in the moisture, especially during the winter dry spells. If possible, get this done before the first freeze, but if it isn’t done yet, that’s okay. This is a great task to do anytime during your winter gardening.
Plant Bulbs
If you want beautiful spring blooms that herald the end of winter around town, you can’t wait till you see them start popping up. At that point, it is too late to plant them. The time to plant your bulbs is now, as long as the soil isn’t too frozen to dig. This way they get a good winter sleep before it is time to bloom.
Cut Back Perennials
If you haven’t cleaned up the debris from the previous blooming season yet, winter is a good time to do this. Your yard will look tidier and there will be space for new stuff to come in next spring. Of course, if you’re leaving that stuff purposefully for local critters to eat, you can save this task for later in the season.
Organize Seeds
If you have a bunch of seed packets left over from the last season, now is a good time to organize them. It’s not unusual to not use all of the seeds in a packet, and then forget about them in the summer hubbub of tending to the garden. So take some time during the winter months to see what you have and make a plan for what you want to get next year.
Tool Maintenance
This is also a great time to perform cleaning and other maintenance on your tools. Once that’s done, stow them away, out of the cold and moisture, so that they are ready for use next spring.
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