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We are a one-stop shop for your wholesale native plant nursery needs and serve states throughout the Eastern United States. We offer hundreds of varieties of native trees, native shrubs, and herbaceous native plants in addition to hardgoods. Please click on the links below to browse our shop or contact us with any questions.

 Please note:

Plugs are sold in full flats of 72. Quarts are sold in full flats of 12 or 15, depending on species.

Tubelings are sold in full flats of 32 (Ellepot) or 36 (ABP).

We have a $1,000 minimum for wholesale orders.


Common Name/Product Scientific Name Available Quantity Add to Quote Price Code
Box Elder #1>24″ Acer negundo #1>24″ 20
Box Elder #1>24"
Box Elder Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Acer negundo Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 303
Box Elder Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Red Maple #1<24″ Acer rubrum #1<24" 71
Red Maple #1<24"
Red Maple #10>1″ Acer rubrum #10>1″ 2
Red Maple #10>1"
Red Maple #2<24″ Acer rubrum #2<24" 1861
Red Maple #2<24"
Red Maple #2>24″ Acer rubrum #2>24″ 215
Red Maple #2>24"
Red Maple #3 Acer rubrum #3<48" 64
Red Maple #3<48"
Red Maple #3>48″ Acer rubrum #3>48″ 53
Red Maple #3>48"
Red Maple #7>1″ Acer rubrum #7>1″ 2
Red Maple #7>1"
Red Maple Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Acer rubrum Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 2244
Red Maple Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Red Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS Acer rubrum Seedling / Tubeling NS 1408
Red Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS
Silver Maple #1 Acer saccharinum #1<24" 1069
Silver Maple #1<24"
Silver Maple #2 NS Acer saccharinum #2 NS 225
Silver Maple #2 NS
Silver Maple #2>24″ Acer saccharinum #2>24″ 16
Silver Maple #2>24"
Silver Maple #3>48″ Acer saccharinum #3>48″ 29
Silver Maple #3>48"
Silver Maple #5>3/4″ Acer saccharinum #5>3/4″ 10
Silver Maple #5>3/4"
Silver Maple Seedling / Tubeling ABP Acer saccharinum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 425
Silver Maple Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Sugar Maple #1 NS Acer saccharum #1 NS 478
Sugar Maple #1 NS
Sugar Maple #1 Acer saccharum #1<24" 16
Sugar Maple #1<24"
Sugar Maple #2 Acer saccharum #2<24" 14
Sugar Maple #2<24"
Sugar Maple #5>60″ Acer saccharum #5>60″ 1
Sugar Maple #5>60"
Sugar Maple Seedling / Tubeling ABP Acer saccharum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 93
Sugar Maple Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Sugar Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS Acer saccharum Seedling / Tubeling NS 3744
Sugar Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS
Yarrow Quart Achillea millefolium Quart
Yarrow Quart
Sweetflag Plug Acorus americanus Plug
Sweetflag Plug
Sweetflag Quart Acorus americanus Quart
Sweetflag Quart
Red Buckeye #1 Aesculus pavia #1<24" 227
Red Buckeye #1<24"
Redtop Plug Agrostis alba Plug
Redtop Plug
Tag Alder #1>24″ Alnus serrulata #1>24″ 9
Tag Alder #1>24"
Tag Alder #5>36″ Alnus serrulata #5>36″ 6
Tag Alder #5>36"
Canadian Serviceberry #1>24″ Amelanchier canadensis #1>24″ 2
Canadian Serviceberry #1>24"
Canadian Serviceberry #2 Amelanchier canadensis #2<24" 889
Canadian Serviceberry #2<24"
Canadian Serviceberry #2>24″ Amelanchier canadensis #2>24″ 204
Canadian Serviceberry #2>24"
Canadian Serviceberry #3 Amelanchier canadensis #3<48" 288
Canadian Serviceberry #3<48"
Canadian Serviceberry #3>48″ Amelanchier canadensis #3>48″ 6
Canadian Serviceberry #3>48"
Canadian Serviceberry #5>60″ Amelanchier canadensis #5>60″ 176
Canadian Serviceberry #5>60"
Canadian Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Amelanchier canadensis Seedling / Tubeling ABP 68
Canadian Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Allegheny Serviceberry #1>24″ Amelanchier laevis #1>24″ 205
Allegheny Serviceberry #1>24"
Allegheny Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Amelanchier laevis Seedling / Tubeling ABP 1252
Allegheny Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Allegheny Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling NS Amelanchier laevis Seedling / Tubeling NS 20376
Allegheny Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling NS
Bluestar Quart Amsonia hubrictii Quart
Bluestar Quart
Big Bluestem #1 Andropogon gerardii #1
Big Bluestem #1
Big Bluestem Quart Andropogon gerardii Quart
Big Bluestem Quart
Broomsedge #1 Andropogon virginicus #1
Broomsedge #1
Broomsedge Quart Andropogon virginicus Quart
Broomsedge Quart
Red Columbine Quart Aquilegia canadensis Quart
Red Columbine Quart
Red Chokeberry #1 Aronia arbutifolia #1<24" 372
Red Chokeberry #1<24"
Red Chokeberry #1>24″ Aronia arbutifolia #1>24″ 17
Red Chokeberry #1>24"
Red Chokeberry #2 NS Aronia arbutifolia #2 NS 30
Red Chokeberry #2 NS
Red Chokeberry #2>24″ Aronia arbutifolia #2>24″ 158
Red Chokeberry #2>24"
Red Chokeberry #3>36″ Aronia arbutifolia #3>36″ 718
Red Chokeberry #3>36"
Red Chokeberry #5>36″ Aronia arbutifolia #5>36″ 273
Red Chokeberry #5>36"
Red Chokeberry Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Aronia arbutifolia Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 5624
Red Chokeberry Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Black Chokeberry #1 Aronia melanocarpa #1<24" 417
Black Chokeberry #1<24"
Black Chokeberry #1>24″ Aronia melanocarpa #1>24″ 2052
Black Chokeberry #1>24"
Black Chokeberry #3 Aronia melanocarpa #3<36" 62
Black Chokeberry #3<36"
Black Chokeberry #3>36″ Aronia melanocarpa #3>36″ 735
Black Chokeberry #3>36"
Black Chokeberry #5>36″ Aronia melanocarpa #5>36″ 220
Black Chokeberry #5>36"
Black Chokeberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Aronia melanocarpa Seedling / Tubeling ABP 72
Black Chokeberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Wild Ginger Quart Asarum canadense Quart
Wild Ginger Quart
Swamp Milkweed #1 Asclepias incarnata #1
Swamp Milkweed #1
Swamp Milkweed Quart Asclepias incarnata Quart
Swamp Milkweed Quart
Paw Paw #7>72″ Asimina triloba #7>72″ 11
Paw Paw #7>72"
Blue Wood Aster Quart Aster cordifolius Quart
Blue Wood Aster Quart
White Wood Aster #1 Aster divaricatus #1
White Wood Aster #1
New England Aster Quart Aster novae-angliae Quart
New England Aster Quart
New York Aster Quart Aster novi-belgii Quart
New York Aster Quart
Aromatic Aster Quart Aster oblongifolium Quart
Aromatic Aster Quart
Lady Fern Quart Athyrium filix-femina Quart
Lady Fern Quart
Groundsel Bush #1 Baccharis halimifolia #1<24" 133
Groundsel Bush #1<24"
Groundsel Bush #1>24″ Baccharis halimifolia #1>24″ 1544
Groundsel Bush #1>24"
Yellow Birch Seedling / Tubeling NS Betula all. Seedling / Tubeling NS 64
Yellow Birch Seedling / Tubeling NS
Yellow Birch Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Betula alleghaniensis Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 96
Yellow Birch Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Sweet Birch Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Betula lenta Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 384
Sweet Birch Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Sweet Birch Seedling / Tubeling NS Betula lenta Seedling / Tubeling NS 44
Sweet Birch Seedling / Tubeling NS
River Birch #1 Betula nigra #1<24" 3537
River Birch #1<24"
River Birch #2>24″ Betula nigra #2>24″ 15
River Birch #2>24"
River Birch #3 Betula nigra #3<48" 361
River Birch #3<48"
River Birch #3>48″ Betula nigra #3>48″ 562
River Birch #3>48"
River Birch #5>1″ Betula nigra #5>1″ 2
River Birch #5>1"
River Birch #7>72″ Betula nigra #7>72″ 7
River Birch #7>72"
River Birch Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Betula nigra Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 202
River Birch Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
River Birch Seedling / Tubeling NS Betula nigra Seedling / Tubeling NS 1232
River Birch Seedling / Tubeling NS
Gray Birch #7>3/4″ Betula populifolia #7>3/4″ 24
Gray Birch #7>3/4"
Sideoats Grama Plug Bouteloua curtipendula Plug
Sideoats Grama Plug
Sideoats Grama Quart Bouteloua curtipendula Quart
Sideoats Grama Quart
Blue Grama #1 Bouteloua gracilis #1
Blue Grama #1
Blue Grama Quart Bouteloua gracilis Quart
Blue Grama Quart
Beautyberry #3 Callicarpa americana #3<36" 4
Beautyberry #3<36"
Marsh Marigold Quart Caltha palustris Quart
Marsh Marigold Quart
Longhair Sedge Plug Carex comosa Plug
Longhair Sedge Plug
Fringed Sedge Plug Carex crinita Plug
Fringed Sedge Plug
Fringed Sedge Quart Carex crinita Quart
Fringed Sedge Quart
Porcupine Sedge Plug Carex hystericina Plug
Porcupine Sedge Plug
Lurid Sedge Plug Carex lurida Plug
Lurid Sedge Plug
Pennsylvania Sedge Quart Carex pensylvanica Quart
Pennsylvania Sedge Quart
Broom Sedge Plug Carex scoparia Plug
Broom Sedge Plug
Tussock Sedge Quart Carex stricta Quart
Tussock Sedge Quart
Fox Sedge Plug Carex vulpinoidea Plug
Fox Sedge Plug
Fox Sedge Quart Carex vulpinoidea Quart
Fox Sedge Quart
American hornbeam Seedling / Tubeling ABP Carpinus caroliniana Seedling / Tubeling ABP 7
American hornbeam Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Pignut Hickory #3>48″ Carya glabra #3>48″ 8
Pignut Hickory #3>48"
Pignut Hickory #5>60″ Carya glabra #5>36″ 7
Pignut Hickory #5>60"
Hackberry #1 Celtis occidentalis #1<24" 176
Hackberry #1<24"
Hackberry #2 NS Celtis occidentalis #2 NS 378
Hackberry #2 NS
Hackberry #2 Celtis occidentalis #2<24" 200
Hackberry #2<24"
Buttonbush #1 Cephalanthus occ. #1<24" 1197
Buttonbush #1<24"
Buttonbush #1>24″ Cephalanthus occ. #1>24″ 887
Buttonbush #1>24"
Buttonbush #3 Cephalanthus occ. #3<36" 31
Buttonbush #3<36"
Buttonbush #3>36″ Cephalanthus occ. #3>36″ 9
Buttonbush #3>36"
Buttonbush #5>36″ Cephalanthus occ. #5>36″ 219
Buttonbush #5>36"
Buttonbush Seedling / Tubeling NS Cephalanthus occ. Seedling / Tubeling NS 6624
Buttonbush Seedling / Tubeling NS
Buttonbush Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Cephalanthus occidentalis Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 3345
Buttonbush Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Redbud #2 NS Cercis canadensis #2 NS 30
Redbud #2 NS
Redbud #2 Cercis canadensis #2<24" 19
Redbud #2<24"
Redbud #2>24″ Cercis canadensis #2>24″ 371
Redbud #2>24"
Redbud #3 Cercis canadensis #3<48" 432
Redbud #3<48"
Redbud #5>60″ Cercis canadensis #5>60″ 802
Redbud #5>60"
Redbud Seedling / Tubeling ABP Cercis canadensis Seedling / Tubeling ABP 51
Redbud Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Redbud Seedling / Tubeling NS Cercis canadensis Seedling / Tubeling NS 288
Redbud Seedling / Tubeling NS
Indian Woodoats Plug Chasmanthium latifolium Plug
Indian Woodoats Plug
White Turtlehead #1 Chelone glabra #1
White Turtlehead #1
White Turtlehead Quart Chelone glabra Quart
White Turtlehead Quart
Fringe Tree #1 Chionanthus virginicus #1<24" 43
Fringe Tree #1<24"
Fringe Tree #3>24″ Chionanthus virginicus #3>24″ 46
Fringe Tree #3>24"
Fringe Tree Seedling / Tubeling ABP Chionanthus virginicus Seedling / Tubeling ABP 126
Fringe Tree Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Tickseed Quart Coreopsis lanceolata Quart
Tickseed Quart
Silky Dogwood #1 Cornus amomum #1<24" 803
Silky Dogwood #1<24"
Silky Dogwood #1>24″ Cornus amomum #1>24″ 588
Silky Dogwood #1>24"
Silky Dogwood #2>24″ Cornus amomum #2>24″ 60
Silky Dogwood #2>24"
Silky Dogwood #3 Cornus amomum #3<36" 632
Silky Dogwood #3<36"
Silky Dogwood #3>36″ Cornus amomum #3>36″ 117
Silky Dogwood #3>36"
Silky Dogwood #5>36″ Cornus amomum #5>36″ 158
Silky Dogwood #5>36"
Silky Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Cornus amomum Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 2585
Silky Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Silky Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling NS Cornus amomum Seedling / Tubeling NS 3232
Silky Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling NS
Flowering Dogwood #1 Cornus florida #1<24" 273
Flowering Dogwood #1<24"
Flowering Dogwood #2>24″ Cornus florida #2>24″ 1305
Flowering Dogwood #2>24"
Flowering Dogwood #3>48″ Cornus florida #3>48″ 14
Flowering Dogwood #3>48"
Flowering Dogwood #5>60″ Cornus florida #5>60″ 144
Flowering Dogwood #5>60"
Flowering Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP Cornus florida Seedling / Tubeling ABP 5107
Flowering Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Gray Dogwood #1 Cornus racemosa #1<24" 29
Gray Dogwood #1<24"
Gray Dogwood #2 Cornus racemosa #2<24" 60
Gray Dogwood #2<24"
Gray Dogwood #2>24″ Cornus racemosa #2>24″ 1
Gray Dogwood #2>24"
Gray Dogwood #3 Cornus racemosa #3<36" 358
Gray Dogwood #3<36"
Gray Dogwood #3>36″ Cornus racemosa #3>36″ 96
Gray Dogwood #3>36"
Gray Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP Cornus racemosa Seedling / Tubeling ABP 850
Gray Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Redosier Dogwood #1 Cornus sericea #1<24" 838
Redosier Dogwood #1<24"
Redosier Dogwood #1>24″ Cornus sericea #1>24″ 78
Redosier Dogwood #1>24"
Redosier Dogwood #3 Cornus sericea #3<36" 16
Redosier Dogwood #3<36"
Redosier Dogwood #3>36″ Cornus sericea #3>36″ 2
Redosier Dogwood #3>36"
Redosier Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Cornus sericea Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 141
Redosier Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Redosier Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling NS Cornus sericea Seedling / Tubeling NS 32
Redosier Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling NS
Hazelnut #2>24″ Corylus americana #2>24″ 1659
Hazelnut #2>24"
Hazelnut #3 NS Corylus americana #3 NS 25
Hazelnut #3 NS
Hazelnut #3 Corylus americana #3<36" 1042
Hazelnut #3<36"
Hazelnut Seedling / Tubeling NS Corylus americana Seedling / Tubeling NS 2916
Hazelnut Seedling / Tubeling NS
Washington Hawthorne #1 Crataegus phaenopyrum #1<24" 3
Washington Hawthorne #1<24"
Tufted-Hair Grass #1 Deschampsia cespitosa #1
Tufted-Hair Grass #1
Tufted-Hair Grass Quart Deschampsia cespitosa Quart
Tufted-Hair Grass Quart
Persimmon #7>72″ Diospyros virginiana #7>72″ 7
Persimmon #7>72"
Persimmon Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Diospyros virginiana Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 480
Persimmon Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Purple Coneflower Quart Echinacea purpurea Quart
Purple Coneflower Quart
Spikerush Plug Eleocharis palustris Plug
Spikerush Plug
Creeping Spikerush Quart Eleocharis palustris Quart
Creeping Spikerush Quart
Bottlebrush Grass #1 Elymus hystrix #1
Bottlebrush Grass #1
Bottlebrush Grass Quart Elymus hystrix Quart
Bottlebrush Grass Quart
Virginia Wildrye Quart Elymus virginicus Quart
Virginia Wildrye Quart
Purple Love Grass Plug Eragrostis spectabilis Plug
Purple Love Grass Plug
Purple Love Grass Quart Eragrostis spectabilis Quart
Purple Love Grass Quart
Mistflower Quart Eupatorium coelestinum Quart
Mistflower Quart
Sweet Joe-Pye Weed Plug Eupatorium purpureum Plug
Sweet Joe-Pye Weed Plug
American Beech #2 Fagus grandifolia #2<24" 306
American Beech #2<24"
American Beech #2>24″ Fagus grandifolia #2>24″ 500
American Beech #2>24"
American Beech #5>60″ Fagus grandifolia #5>60″ 2
American Beech #5>60"
American Beech Seedling / Tubeling ABP Fagus grandifolia Seedling / Tubeling ABP 5670
American Beech Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Mountain Witchalder ‘Mount Airy’ #1<24″ Fothergilla major ‘Mount Airy’ #1<24" 59
Mountain Witchalder 'Mount Airy' #1<24"
Franklin Tree #2>24″ Franklinia alatamaha #2>24″ 97
Franklin Tree #2>24"
Franklin Tree #3 Franklinia alatamaha #3<48" 9
Franklin Tree #3<48"
Franklin Tree #5>60″ Franklinia alatamaha #5>60″ 40
Franklin Tree #5>60"
Black Huckleberry #1>12″ Gaylussacia baccata #1>12″ 406
Black Huckleberry #1>12"
Wild Geranium Quart Geranium maculatum Quart
Wild Geranium Quart
Carolina Silverbell #1 Halesia tetraptera #1<24" 294
Carolina Silverbell #1<24"
Witchhazel Seedling / Tubeling NS Hamamelis virg. Seedling / Tubeling NS 5580
Witchhazel Seedling / Tubeling NS
Witchhazel #1 Hamamelis virginiana #1<24" 1216
Witchhazel #1<24"
Witchhazel #1>24″ Hamamelis virginiana #1>24″ 944
Witchhazel #1>24"
Witchhazel #2>24″ Hamamelis virginiana #2>24″ 436
Witchhazel #2>24"
Witchhazel #3 Hamamelis virginiana #3<36" 183
Witchhazel #3<36"
Witchhazel #3>36″ Hamamelis virginiana #3>36″ 217
Witchhazel #3>36"
Witchhazel Seedling / Tubeling ABP Hamamelis virginiana Seedling / Tubeling ABP 1127
Witchhazel Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Sneezeweed Quart Helenium autumnale Quart
Sneezeweed Quart
Swamp Sunflower Quart Helianthus angustifolius Quart
Swamp Sunflower Quart
Alum Root Quart Heuchera americana Quart
Alum Root Quart
Swamp Rose-Mallow #1 Hibiscus moscheutos #1
Swamp Rose-Mallow #1
Shrubby St. John’s Wort #1 Hypericum prolificum #1<24" 26
Shrubby St. John's Wort #1<24"
Inkberry #1>24″ Ilex glabra #1>24″ 53
Inkberry #1>24"
Inkberry #3>36″ Ilex glabra #3>36″ 12
Inkberry #3>36"
American Holly ‘Female’ #15>1″ Ilex opaca ‘Satyr Hill’ #15>1″ 35
American Holly 'Female' #15>1"
American Holly ‘Female’ Seedling / Tubeling Ilex opaca ‘Satyr Hill’ Seedling / Tubeling 1809
American Holly 'Female' Seedling / Tubeling
Winterberry #1 NS Ilex verticillata #1 NS 371
Winterberry #1 NS
Winterberry #1>24″ Ilex verticillata #1>24″ 25
Winterberry #1>24"
Winterberry #2 Ilex verticillata #2<24" 69
Winterberry #2<24"
Winterberry #2>24″ Ilex verticillata #2>24″ 1245
Winterberry #2>24"
Winterberry #3 Ilex verticillata #3<36" 1028
Winterberry #3<36"
Winterberry #3>36″ Ilex verticillata #3>36″ 77
Winterberry #3>36"
Winterberry #5>36″ Ilex verticillata #5>36″ 112
Winterberry #5>36"
Winterberry Seedling / Tubeling NS Ilex verticillata Seedling / Tubeling NS 4968
Winterberry Seedling / Tubeling NS
Blueflag Iris Plug Iris versicolor Plug
Blueflag Iris Plug
Blueflag Iris Quart Iris versicolor Quart
Blueflag Iris Quart
Sweetspire #1>24″ Itea Virginica #1>24″ 185
Sweetspire #1>24"
Sweetspire #3>36″ Itea Virginica #3>36″ 105
Sweetspire #3>36"
Sweetspire Seedling / Tubeling ABP Itea Virginica Seedling / Tubeling ABP 2388
Sweetspire Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Marsh Elder #1 Iva frutescens #1<24" 190
Marsh Elder #1<24"
Marsh Elder #1>24″ Iva frutescens #1>24″ 4
Marsh Elder #1>24"
Soft Rush #1 Juncus effusus #1
Soft Rush #1
Soft Rush Plug Juncus effusus Plug
Soft Rush Plug
Soft Rush Quart Juncus effusus Quart
Soft Rush Quart
Path Rush Quart Juncus tenuis Quart
Path Rush Quart
Torrey’s Rush Plug Juncus torreyi Plug
Torrey's Rush Plug
Eastern Red Cedar Seedling / Tubeling ABP Juniperus virginiana Seedling / Tubeling ABP 36
Eastern Red Cedar Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Sheep Laurel #1 Kalmia angustifolia #1<12" 504
Sheep Laurel #1<12"
Sheep Laurel #1>12″ Kalmia angustifolia #1>12″ 2
Sheep Laurel #1>12"
Blazing Star #1 Liatris spicata #1
Blazing Star #1
Spicebush #1 Lindera benzoin #1<24" 2281
Spicebush #1<24"
Spicebush #1>24″ Lindera benzoin #1>24″ 570
Spicebush #1>24"
Spicebush #2 Lindera benzoin #2<24" 1505
Spicebush #2<24"
Spicebush #3 NS Lindera benzoin #3 NS 358
Spicebush #3 NS
Spicebush #3 Lindera benzoin #3<36" 2297
Spicebush #3<36"
Spicebush #5>36″ Lindera benzoin #5>36″ 195
Spicebush #5>36"
Spicebush Seedling / Tubeling ABP Lindera benzoin Seedling / Tubeling ABP 840
Spicebush Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Spicebush Seedling / Tubeling NS Lindera benzoin Seedling / Tubeling NS 12864
Spicebush Seedling / Tubeling NS
Sweet Gum #1 Liquidambar styraciflua #1<24" 65
Sweet Gum #1<24"
Sweet Gum #2>24″ Liquidambar styraciflua #2>24″ 801
Sweet Gum #2>24"
Sweet Gum #3 Liquidambar styraciflua #3<48" 110
Sweet Gum #3<48"
Sweet Gum #5>60″ Liquidambar styraciflua #5>60″ 206
Sweet Gum #5>60"
Sweet Gum Seedling / Tubeling NS Liquidambar styraciflua Seedling / Tubeling NS 160
Sweet Gum Seedling / Tubeling NS
Tulip Poplar #2 Liriodendron tulipifera #2<24" 75
Tulip Poplar #2<24"
Tulip Poplar #2>24″ Liriodendron tulipifera #2>24″ 272
Tulip Poplar #2>24"
Tulip Poplar #3>48″ Liriodendron tulipifera #3>48″ 108
Tulip Poplar #3>48"
Tulip Poplar #5>1″ Liriodendron tulipifera #5>1″ 56
Tulip Poplar #5>1"
Tulip Poplar Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Liriodendron tulipifera Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 512
Tulip Poplar Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Tulip Poplar Seedling / Tubeling NS Liriodendron tulipifera Seedling / Tubeling NS 1046
Tulip Poplar Seedling / Tubeling NS
Cardinal Flower #1 Lobelia cardinalis #1
Cardinal Flower #1
Cardinal Flower Quart Lobelia cardinalis Quart
Cardinal Flower Quart
Blue Lobelia Quart Lobelia siphilitica Quart
Blue Lobelia Quart
Sweetbay Magnolia #3 Magnolia virginiana #3<48" 7
Sweetbay Magnolia #3<48"
Sweetbay Magnolia #3>48″ Magnolia virginiana #3>48″ 6
Sweetbay Magnolia #3>48"
Sweetbay Magnolia Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Magnolia virginiana Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 7527
Sweetbay Magnolia Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Ostrich Fern Quart Matteuccia struthiopteris Quart
Ostrich Fern Quart
Northern Bayberry #1 Morella pensylvanica #1<24" 816
Northern Bayberry #1<24"
Northern Bayberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Morella pensylvanica Seedling / Tubeling ABP 1116
Northern Bayberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Northern Bayberry Seedling / Tubeling NS Morella pensylvanica Seedling / Tubeling NS 4968
Northern Bayberry Seedling / Tubeling NS
Pink Muhlygrass Quart Muhlenbergia capillaris Quart
Pink Muhlygrass Quart
Spatterdock Nuphar lutea Quart
Black Gum #1 Nyssa sylvatica #1<24" 789
Black Gum #1<24"
Black Gum #2>24″ Nyssa sylvatica #2>24″ 993
Black Gum #2>24"
Black Gum #3 Nyssa sylvatica #3<48" 14
Black Gum #3<48"
Black Gum #5>60″ Nyssa sylvatica #5>60″ 9
Black Gum #5>60"
Black Gum Seedling / Tubeling ABP Nyssa sylvatica Seedling / Tubeling ABP 373
Black Gum Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Sensitive Fern #1 Onoclea sensibilis #1
Sensitive Fern #1
Sensitive Fern Quart Onoclea sensibilis Quart
Sensitive Fern Quart
Royal Fern #1 Osmunda regalis #1
Royal Fern #1
Royal Fern Quart Osmunda regalis Quart
Royal Fern Quart
Hop-Hornbeam #7>72″ Ostrya virginiana #7>72″ 5
Hop-Hornbeam #7>72"
Golden Ragwort Quart Packera aurea Quart
Golden Ragwort Quart
‘Shenandoah’ Switchgrass Quart Panicum virg. ‘Shenandoah’ Quart
'Shenandoah' Switchgrass Quart
Switchgrass #1 Panicum virgatum #1
Switchgrass #1
Switchgrass Quart Panicum virgatum Quart
Switchgrass Quart
White Beard Tongue #1 Penstemon digitalis #1
White Beard Tongue #1
Foxglove Beardtongue Plug Penstemon digitalis Plug
Foxglove Beardtongue Plug
Beardtongue Quart Penstemon digitalis Quart
Beardtongue Quart
Eastern Ninebark #3 Physocarpus opulifolius #3<36" 56
Eastern Ninebark #3<36"
Eastern Ninebark Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Physocarpus opulifolius Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 808
Eastern Ninebark Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Eastern Ninebark Seedling / Tubeling NS Physocarpus opulifolius Seedling / Tubeling NS 128
Eastern Ninebark Seedling / Tubeling NS
Obedient Plant Quart Physostegia virginiana Quart
Obedient Plant Quart
White Pine #2 Pinus strobus #2<24" 476
White Pine #2<24"
White Pine #3>48″ Pinus strobus #3>48″ 51
White Pine #3>48"
White Pine #5>1″ Pinus strobus #5>1″ 38
White Pine #5>1"
White Pine #7>1″ Pinus strobus #7>1″ 37
White Pine #7>1"
Loblolly Pine #2 NS Pinus taeda #2 NS 6
Loblolly Pine #2 NS
Loblolly Pine #2>24″ Pinus taeda #2>24″ 3
Loblolly Pine #2>24"
Loblolly Pine #3>48″ Pinus taeda #3>48″ 7
Loblolly Pine #3>48"
Loblolly Pine #7>1″ Pinus taeda #7>1″ 30
Loblolly Pine #7>1"
Sycamore #1 Platanus occidentalis #1<24" 685
Sycamore #1<24"
Sycamore #1>24″ Platanus occidentalis #1>24″ 2982
Sycamore #1>24"
Sycamore #2>24″ Platanus occidentalis #2>24″ 1348
Sycamore #2>24"
Sycamore #3 Platanus occidentalis #3<48" 1245
Sycamore #3<48"
Sycamore #5>3/4″ Platanus occidentalis #5>3/4″ 108
Sycamore #5>3/4"
Sycamore #5>60″ Platanus occidentalis #5>60″ 228
Sycamore #5>60"
Sycamore #7>1″ Platanus occidentalis #7>1″ 6
Sycamore #7>1"
Sycamore #7>3/4″ Platanus occidentalis #7>3/4″ 14
Sycamore #7>3/4"
Sycamore Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Platanus occidentalis Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 13678
Sycamore Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Sycamore Seedling / Tubeling NS Platanus occidentalis Seedling / Tubeling NS 2948
Sycamore Seedling / Tubeling NS
Christmas Fern #1 Polystichum acrostichoides #1
Christmas Fern #1
Eastern Cottonwood #2 Populus deltoides #2<24" 214
Eastern Cottonwood #2<24"
Eastern Cottonwood #2>24″ Populus deltoides #2>24″ 767
Eastern Cottonwood #2>24"
Eastern Cottonwood #5>60″ Populus deltoides #5>60″ 175
Eastern Cottonwood #5>60"
American Plum #2>24″ Prunus americana #2>24″ 2
American Plum #2>24"
American Plum Seedling / Tubeling NS Prunus americana Seedling / Tubeling NS 1008
American Plum Seedling / Tubeling NS
Beach Plum #1 Prunus maritima #1<24" 77
Beach Plum #1<24"
Beach Plum #1>24″ Prunus maritima #1>24″ 4
Beach Plum #1>24"
Beach Plum Seedling / Tubeling ABP Prunus maritima Seedling / Tubeling ABP 78
Beach Plum Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Beach Plum Seedling / Tubeling NS Prunus maritima Seedling / Tubeling NS 612
Beach Plum Seedling / Tubeling NS
Black Cherry #1 Prunus serotina #1<24" 339
Black Cherry #1<24"
Black Cherry #3 Prunus serotina #3<48" 302
Black Cherry #3<48"
Black Cherry #3>48″ Prunus serotina #3>48″ 258
Black Cherry #3>48"
Black Cherry #7>72″ Prunus serotina #7>72″ 27
Black Cherry #7>72"
Slender Mountain Mint Quart Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Quart
Slender Mountain Mint Quart
Mountain Mint Quart Pycnanthemum virginianum Quart
Mountain Mint Quart
White Oak #3>48″ Quercus alba #3>48″ 48
White Oak #3>48"
White Oak #5>60″ Quercus alba #5>60″ 21
White Oak #5>60"
White Oak #7>3/4″ Quercus alba #7>3/4″ 3
White Oak #7>3/4"
Swamp White Oak #1 NS Quercus bicolor #1 NS 405
Swamp White Oak #1 NS
Swamp White Oak #1 Quercus bicolor #1<24" 84
Swamp White Oak #1<24"
Swamp White Oak #2>24″ Quercus bicolor #2>24″ 2
Swamp White Oak #2>24"
Swamp White Oak #7>3/4″ Quercus bicolor #7>3/4″ 61
Swamp White Oak #7>3/4"
Swamp White Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP Quercus bicolor Seedling / Tubeling ABP 2078
Swamp White Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Scarlet Oak #3 Quercus coccinea #3<48" 82
Scarlet Oak #3<48"
Scarlet Oak Seedling / Tubeling NS Quercus coccinea Seedling / Tubeling NS 259
Scarlet Oak Seedling / Tubeling NS
Southern Red Oak Seedling / Tubeling NS Quercus falcata Seedling / Tubeling NS 1548
Southern Red Oak Seedling / Tubeling NS
Bur Oak #1 Quercus macrocarpa #1<24" 32
Bur Oak #1<24"
Bur Oak #3 Quercus macrocarpa #3<48" 10
Bur Oak #3<48"
Bur Oak #3>48″ Quercus macrocarpa #3>48″ 36
Bur Oak #3>48"
Bur Oak #5>1″ Quercus macrocarpa #5>1″ 5
Bur Oak #5>1"
Bur Oak #5>3/4″ Quercus macrocarpa #5>3/4″ 5
Bur Oak #5>3/4"
Blackjack Oak #1 Quercus marilandica #1<24" 125
Blackjack Oak #1<24"
Swamp Chestnut Oak #7>1″ Quercus michauxii #7>1″ 16
Swamp Chestnut Oak #7>1"
Swamp Chestnut Oak #7>72″ Quercus michauxii #7>72″ 6
Swamp Chestnut Oak #7>72"
Chinkapin Oak #5>60″ Quercus muehlenbergii #5>60″ 3
Chinkapin Oak #5>60"
Pin Oak #1 Quercus palustris #1<24" 2038
Pin Oak #1<24"
Pin Oak #1>24″ Quercus palustris #1>24″ 2766
Pin Oak #1>24"
Pin Oak #2>24″ Quercus palustris #2>24″ 1216
Pin Oak #2>24"
Pin Oak #3 Quercus palustris #3<48" 190
Pin Oak #3<48"
Pin Oak #3>48″ Quercus palustris #3>48″ 611
Pin Oak #3>48"
Pin Oak #5>3/4″ Quercus palustris #5>3/4″ 101
Pin Oak #5>3/4"
Pin Oak #5>60″ Quercus palustris #5>60″ 491
Pin Oak #5>60"
Pin Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP Quercus palustris Seedling / Tubeling ABP 8397
Pin Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Willow Oak #1 Quercus phellos #1<24" 66
Willow Oak #1<24"
Willow Oak #1>24″ Quercus phellos #1>24″ 3209
Willow Oak #1>24"
Willow Oak #2>24″ Quercus phellos #2>24″ 1213
Willow Oak #2>24"
Willow Oak #3 Quercus phellos #3<48" 43
Willow Oak #3<48"
Willow Oak #3>48″ Quercus phellos #3>48″ 22
Willow Oak #3>48"
Willow Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP Quercus phellos Seedling / Tubeling ABP 2648
Willow Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Chestnut Oak #2 Quercus prinus #2<24" 12
Chestnut Oak #2<24"
Northern Red Oak #2 Quercus rubra #2<24" 922
Northern Red Oak #2<24"
Northern Red Oak #2>24″ Quercus rubra #2>24″ 60
Northern Red Oak #2>24"
Northern Red Oak #3 Quercus rubra #3<48" 33
Northern Red Oak #3<48"
Northern Red Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP Quercus rubra Seedling / Tubeling ABP 8946
Northern Red Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Shumard Oak #1>24″ Quercus shumardii #1>24″ 79
Shumard Oak #1>24"
Shumard Oak #3>48″ Quercus shumardii #3>48″ 299
Shumard Oak #3>48"
Shumard Oak #5>1″ Quercus shumardii #5>1″ 8
Shumard Oak #5>1"
Shumard Oak #5>3/4″ Quercus shumardii #5>3/4″ 87
Shumard Oak #5>3/4"
Shumard Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP Quercus shumardii Seedling / Tubeling ABP 28
Shumard Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Black Oak #1 Quercus velutina #1<24" 978
Black Oak #1<24"
Black Oak #2 Quercus velutina #2<24" 8
Black Oak #2<24"
Black Oak #2>24″ Quercus velutina #2>24″ 14
Black Oak #2>24"
Black Oak #3 NS Quercus velutina #3 NS 555
Black Oak #3 NS
Black Oak #3 Quercus velutina #3<48" 10
Black Oak #3<48"
Black Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP Quercus velutina Seedling / Tubeling ABP 155
Black Oak Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Fragrant Sumac #2 Rhus aromatica #2<24" 4
Fragrant Sumac #2<24"
Winged Sumac #2 Rhus copallina #2<24" 20
Winged Sumac #2<24"
Smooth Sumac #2 Rhus glabra #2<24" 295
Smooth Sumac #2<24"
Smooth Sumac #2>24″ Rhus glabra #2>24″ 32
Smooth Sumac #2>24"
Black Locust #3 Robinia pseudoacacia #3<48" 109
Black Locust #3<48"
Pasture Rose #2>24″ Rosa carolina #2>24″ 627
Pasture Rose #2>24"
Swamp Rose #2 Rosa palustris #2<24" 463
Swamp Rose #2<24"
Swamp Rose #2>24″ Rosa palustris #2>24″ 683
Swamp Rose #2>24"
Purple-Flowering Raspberry #2 Rubus odoratus #2<24" 15
Purple-Flowering Raspberry #2<24"
Orange Coneflower Quart Rudbeckia fulgida Quart
Orange Coneflower Quart
Cutleaf Coneflower Quart Rudbeckia laciniata Quart
Cutleaf Coneflower Quart
Brown-eyed Susan Quart Rudbeckia triloba Quart
Brown-eyed Susan Quart
Pussy Willow #2 NS Salix discolor #2 NS 849
Pussy Willow #2 NS
Black Willow #1 NS Salix nigra #1 NS 107
Black Willow #1 NS
Black Willow #2>24″ Salix nigra #2>24″ 3
Black Willow #2>24"
Black Willow Seedling / Tubeling NS Salix nigra Seedling / Tubeling NS 1620
Black Willow Seedling / Tubeling NS
Elderberry #1 Sambucus canadensis #1<24" 346
Elderberry #1<24"
Elderberry #1>24″ Sambucus canadensis #1>24″ 7
Elderberry #1>24"
Elderberry #3 Sambucus canadensis #3<36" 273
Elderberry #3<36"
Elderberry #3>36″ Sambucus canadensis #3>36″ 1
Elderberry #3>36"
Elderberry #5>36″ Sambucus canadensis #5>36″ 14
Elderberry #5>36"
Elderberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Sambucus canadensis Seedling / Tubeling ABP 924
Elderberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Sassafras #1>24″ Sassafras albidum #1>24″ 6
Sassafras #1>24"
Sassafras #2 Sassafras albidum #2<24" 14
Sassafras #2<24"
Sassafras Seedling / Tubeling NS Sassafras albidum Seedling / Tubeling NS 380
Sassafras Seedling / Tubeling NS
Little Bluestem Quart Schizachyrium scoparium Quart
Little Bluestem Quart
Hardstem Bulrush Plug Scirpus acutus Plug
Hardstem Bulrush Plug
Chairmakers Bulrush Plug Scirpus americanus Plug
Chairmakers Bulrush Plug
Green Bulrush Plug Scirpus atrovirens Plug
Green Bulrush Plug
Woolgrass Plug Scirpus cyperinus Plug
Woolgrass Plug
Threesquare Plug Scirpus pungens Plug
Threesquare Plug
Softstem Bulrush Plug Scirpus validus/tabernaemontani Plug
Softstem Bulrush Plug
Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod #1 Solidago rugosa #1
Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod #1
Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod Quart Solidago rugosa Quart
Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod Quart
Seaside Goldenrod Plug Solidago sempervirens Plug
Seaside Goldenrod Plug
Seaside Goldenrod Quart Solidago sempervirens Quart
Seaside Goldenrod Quart
Smooth Cordgrass Plug Spartina alterniflora Plug
Smooth Cordgrass Plug
Salt-meadow Cordgrass Plug Spartina patens Plug
Salt-meadow Cordgrass Plug
Prairie Cordgrass Plug Spartina pectinata Plug
Prairie Cordgrass Plug
Meadowsweet #1 NS Spiraea latifolia #1 NS 408
Meadowsweet #1 NS
Meadowsweet Seedling / Tubeling NS Spiraea latifolia Seedling / Tubeling NS 512
Meadowsweet Seedling / Tubeling NS
Steeplebush #1 Spiraea tomentosa #1<24" 385
Steeplebush #1<24"
Steeplebush #1>24″ Spiraea tomentosa #1>24″ 100
Steeplebush #1>24"
Steeplebush Seedling / Tubeling NS Spiraea tomentosa Seedling / Tubeling NS 640
Steeplebush Seedling / Tubeling NS
Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepsis Plug
Prairie Dropseed
Prairie Dropseed Quart Sporobolus heterolepsis Quart
Prairie Dropseed Quart
Coralberry Seedling / Tubeling NS Symphoricarpos orb. Seedling / Tubeling NS 740
Coralberry Seedling / Tubeling NS
Bald Cypress #3>48″ Taxodium distichum #3>48″ 307
Bald Cypress #3>48"
Bald Cypress Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Taxodium distichum Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 2443
Bald Cypress Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Bald Cypress Seedling / Tubeling NS Taxodium distichum Seedling / Tubeling NS 684
Bald Cypress Seedling / Tubeling NS
Marsh Fern Quart Thelypteris palustris Quart
Marsh Fern Quart
Foam Flower Quart Tiarella cordifolia Quart
Foam Flower Quart
4′ Mesh Tree Shelter Mesh Tree Shelter (not Tubex)
4' Mesh Tree Shelter
1 ct- 48″ mesh shelter, 1ct- 5 Ft hardwood stake, 2 ties Mesh Tree Shelter Kit (not Tubex)
1 ct- 48" mesh shelter, 1ct- 5 Ft hardwood stake, 2 ties
Purpletop Quart Tridens flavus Quart
Purpletop Quart
Common Cattail Plug Typha latifolia Plug
Common Cattail Plug
Common Cattail Quart Typha latifolia Quart
Common Cattail Quart
American Elm #2 Ulmus americana #2<24" 206
American Elm #2<24"
American Elm #3>48″ Ulmus americana #3>48″ 43
American Elm #3>48"
Lowbush Blueberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Vaccinium angustifolium Seedling / Tubeling ABP 144
Lowbush Blueberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Highbush Blueberry #1 Vaccinium corymbosum #1<24" 901
Highbush Blueberry #1<24"
Highbush Blueberry #1>24″ Vaccinium corymbosum #1>24″ 536
Highbush Blueberry #1>24"
Highbush Blueberry #3>36″ Vaccinium corymbosum #3>36″ 44
Highbush Blueberry #3>36"
Highbush Blueberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Vaccinium corymbosum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 387
Highbush Blueberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Swamp verbena #1 Verbena hastata #1
Swamp verbena #1
Swamp verbena Quart Verbena hastata Quart
Swamp verbena Quart
Mapleleaf Viburnum #1 Viburnum acerifolium #1<24" 483
Mapleleaf Viburnum #1<24"
Mapleleaf Viburnum #2<24″ Viburnum acerifolium #2<24" 19
Mapleleaf Viburnum #2<24"
Mapleleaf Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling NS Viburnum acerifolium Seedling / Tubeling NS 1296
Mapleleaf Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling NS
Arrowwood Viburnum #1 Viburnum dentatum #1<24" 1037
Arrowwood Viburnum #1<24"
Arrowwood Viburnum #1>24″ Viburnum dentatum #1>24″ 2274
Arrowwood Viburnum #1>24"
Arrowwood Viburnum #2>24″ Viburnum dentatum #2>24″ 328
Arrowwood Viburnum #2>24"
Arrowwood Viburnum #3 Viburnum dentatum #3<36" 739
Arrowwood Viburnum #3<36"
Arrowwood Viburnum #3>36″ Viburnum dentatum #3>36″ 56
Arrowwood Viburnum #3>36"
Arrowwood Viburnum #5>36″ Viburnum dentatum #5>36″ 321
Arrowwood Viburnum #5>36"
Arrowwood Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling ABP Viburnum dentatum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 8510
Arrowwood Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Arrowwood Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling NS Viburnum dentatum Seedling / Tubeling NS 3564
Arrowwood Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling NS
Nannyberry Viburnum #1 Viburnum lentago #1<24" 442
Nannyberry Viburnum #1<24"
Nannyberry Viburnum #2 Viburnum lentago #2<24" 158
Nannyberry Viburnum #2<24"
Nannyberry Viburnum #2>24″ Viburnum lentago #2>24″ 201
Nannyberry Viburnum #2>24"
Nannyberry Viburnum #3 Viburnum lentago #3<36" 25
Nannyberry Viburnum #3<36"
Possumhaw Viburnum #1 Viburnum nudum #1<24" 355
Possumhaw Viburnum #1<24"
Possumhaw Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling Viburnum nudum Seedling / Tubeling 2967
Possumhaw Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling
Blackhaw Viburnum #1>24″ Viburnum prunifolium #1>24″ 1
Blackhaw Viburnum #1>24"
Blackhaw Viburnum #2 Viburnum prunifolium #2<24" 15
Blackhaw Viburnum #2<24"
Cranberry Viburnum #1 Viburnum trilobum #1<24" 217
Cranberry Viburnum #1<24"
Cranberry Viburnum #2 Viburnum trilobum #2<24" 31
Cranberry Viburnum #2<24"
Cranberry Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling ABP Viburnum trilobum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 2
Cranberry Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Wetland Protection Area Sign Wetland Protection Area Sign 32
Wetland Protection Area Sign
5′ Oak Stake 5′ Stake
5' Oak Stake
Yellowroot #1 Xanthorhiza simplicissima #1<18" 3
Yellowroot #1<18"
Golden Alexander Quart Zizia aurea Quart
Golden Alexander Quart
Oxeye Sunflower Quart Heliopsis helianthoides Quart
Oxeye Sunflower Quart
Oxeye Sunflower #1 Heliopsis helianthoides #1
Oxeye Sunflower #1
Pink Muhlygrass #1 Muhlenbergia capillaris #1
Pink Muhlygrass #1
Panicled Aster Quart Aster lanceolatus Quart
Panicled Aster Quart
Frank’s Sedge Plug Carex frankii Plug
Frank's Sedge Plug
Horsetail Rush Quart Equisetum hymale Quart
Horsetail Rush Quart
Narrowleaf Cattail Plug Typha angustifolia Plug
Narrowleaf Cattail Plug
Striped Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS Acer pensylvanicum Seedling / Tubeling NS 396
Striped Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS
Red Maple Seedling / Tubeling ABP Acer rubrum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 563
Red Maple Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Silver Maple Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Acer saccharinum Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 5479
Silver Maple Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Red Chokeberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP Aronia arbutifolia Seedling / Tubeling ABP 390
Red Chokeberry Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Redbud Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Cercis canadensis Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 74
Redbud Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Redosier Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP Cornus sericea Seedling / Tubeling ABP 25
Redosier Dogwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Persimmon Seedling / Tubeling ABP Diospyros virginiana Seedling / Tubeling ABP 1882
Persimmon Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Spicebush Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Lindera benzoin Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 4636
Spicebush Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Tulip Poplar Seedling / Tubeling ABP Liriodendron tulipifera Seedling / Tubeling ABP 644
Tulip Poplar Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Sycamore Seedling / Tubeling ABP Platanus occidentalis Seedling / Tubeling ABP 24
Sycamore Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Snowberry Seedling / Tubeling NS Symphoricarpos albus Seedling / Tubeling NS 480
Snowberry Seedling / Tubeling NS
Arrowwood Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Viburnum dentatum Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 250
Arrowwood Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
2′ Rainbow Defender Shelter 2′ Rainbow Defender Shelter
2' Rainbow Defender Shelter
3′ Tubex Tree Shelter with Bird Net 3′ Tubex Standard TreeShelter
3' Tubex Tree Shelter with Bird Net
30″ Oak Stake 30″ Stake
30" Oak Stake
30″ Tubex Tree Shelter 30″ Tubex Standard TreeShelter
30" Tubex Tree Shelter
4′ Oak Stake 4′ Stake
4' Oak Stake
4′ Combitube Tree Shelter with Bird Net 4′ Tubex Combitube TreeShelter with Bird Net
4' Combitube Tree Shelter with Bird Net
4′ Tree Shelter with Bird Net 4′ Tubex Standard TreeShelter
4' Tree Shelter with Bird Net
5′ Combitube Tree Shelter with Bird Net   5′ Tubex Combitube TreeShelter
5' Combitube Tree Shelter with Bird Net
Adhesive Label Charge per Plant Adhesive Label Charge per Plant
Adhesive Label Charge per Plant
Loop Label Charge per Plant Loop Label Charge per Plant
Loop Label Charge per Plant
4′ Mesh Shelter 4′ Tubex Tree Guard
4' Mesh Shelter
Longhair Sedge DP50 Plug Carex comosa DP50
Longhair Sedge DP50 Plug
Porcupine Sedge DP50 Plug Carex hystericina DP50
Porcupine Sedge DP50 Plug
Rosy Sedge #1 Carex rosea #1
Rosy Sedge #1
Northern Sea Oats DP50 Plug Chasmanthium latifolium DP50
Northern Sea Oats DP50 Plug
Softstem Bulrush DP50 Plug Scirpus validus/tabernaemontani DP50 Plug
Softstem Bulrush DP50 Plug
Foam Flower #1 Tiarella cordifolia #1
Foam Flower #1
Sweet Crabapple #5>60″ Malus coronaria #5>60″ 1
Sweet Crabapple #5>60"
Snowberry #1<24″ Symphoricarpos albus #1<24" 153
Snowberry #1<24"
Yarrow #1 Achillea millefolium #1
Yarrow #1
Bush Honeysuckle #3<36″ Diervilla lonicera #3<36" 1
Bush Honeysuckle #3<36"
Bush Honeysuckle Seedling / Tubeling NS Diervilla lonicera Seedling / Tubeling NS 756
Bush Honeysuckle Seedling / Tubeling NS
Kentucky Coffee Tree #1<24″ Gymnocladus dioicus #1<24" 145
Kentucky Coffee Tree #1<24"
Sourwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP Oxydendrum arboreum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 23
Sourwood Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Purple-Flowering Raspberry #2>24″ Rubus odoratus #2>24″ 115
Purple-Flowering Raspberry #2>24"
Sweet Flag DP50 Plug Acorus americanus DP50 Plug
Sweet Flag DP50 Plug
Gray Sedge #1 Carex grayi #1
Gray Sedge #1
Muskingum Sedge Plug Carex muskingumensis Plug
Muskingum Sedge Plug
Muskingum Sedge DP50 Plug Carex muskingumensis DP50 Plug
Muskingum Sedge DP50 Plug
Lance Leaf Tickseed #1 Coreopsis lanceolata #1
Lance Leaf Tickseed #1
Water Willow Quart Justicia americana Quart
Water Willow Quart
Mountain Mint #1 Pycnanthemum muticum #1
Mountain Mint #1
Slender Mountain Mint Plug Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Plug
Slender Mountain Mint Plug
Slender Mountain Mint DP50 Plug Pycnanthemum tenuifolium DP50
Slender Mountain Mint DP50 Plug
Hardstem Bulrush DP50 Plug Scirpus acutus DP50 Plug
Hardstem Bulrush DP50 Plug
Marsh Fern #1 Thelypteris palustris #1
Marsh Fern #1
Longhair Sedge #1 Carex comosa #1
Longhair Sedge #1
Thoroughwort #1 Eupatorium hyssopifolium #1
Thoroughwort #1
4′ Biodegradable TreeShelter with Bird Net   4′ Tubex Nature TreeShelter
4' Biodegradable TreeShelter with Bird Net  
Kentucky Coffee Tree Seedling/Tubeling ABP Gymnocladus dioicus Seedling/Tubeling ABP 213
Kentucky Coffee Tree Seedling/Tubeling ABP
Red Buckeye #1 NS Aesculus pavia #1 NS 76
Red Buckeye #1 NS
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum #1<24″ Viburnum rufidulum #1<24" 1500
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum #1<24"
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum #1>24″ Viburnum rufidulum #1>24″ 134
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum #1>24"
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling ABP Viburnum rufidulum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 160
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Allegheny Plum Seedling / Tubeling NS Prunus alleghaniensis Seedling/Tubeling NS 504
Allegheny Plum Seedling / Tubeling NS
Bladdernut Seedling / Tubeling NS Staphylea trifolia Seedling/Tubeling NS 288
Bladdernut Seedling / Tubeling NS
Creeping Juniper Seedling / Tubeling NS Juniperus horizontalis Seedling/Tubeling NS 180
Creeping Juniper Seedling / Tubeling NS
False Indigo Bush Seedling/Tubeling NS Amorpha fruticosa Seedling/Tubeling NS 252
False Indigo Bush Seedling/Tubeling NS
Dwarf Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling NS Amelanchier spicata Seedling/Tubeling NS 432
Dwarf Serviceberry Seedling / Tubeling NS
Mountain Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS Acer spicatum Seedling/Tubeling NS 180
Mountain Maple Seedling / Tubeling NS
Red Elderberry Seedling / Tubeling NS Sambucus racemosa Seedling/Tubeling NS 504
Red Elderberry Seedling / Tubeling NS
Spatterdock Plug 50 Nuphar lutea Plug 50
Spatterdock Plug 50
Purple-Flowering Raspberry #1<24″ Rubus odoratus #1<24" 69
Purple-Flowering Raspberry #1<24"
Bird Net Bird Net
Bird Net
Red Buckeye Seedling / Tubeling ABP Aesculus pavia Seedling / Tubeling ABP 15
Red Buckeye Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Elderberry Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Sambucus canadensis Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 1984
Elderberry Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
American Beech Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot Fagus grandifolia Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot 1413
American Beech Seedling / Tubeling Ellepot
Chairmakers Bulrush DP50 Scirpus americanus DP50
Chairmakers Bulrush DP50
Eastern Star Sedge DP50 Carex radiata DP50
Eastern Star Sedge DP50
Bald Cypress Seedling / Tubeling ABP Taxodium distichum Seedling / Tubeling ABP 1512
Bald Cypress Seedling / Tubeling ABP
Elymus virginicus #1
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Quart
Carya glabra Seedling / Tubeling D27L Stuewe 497
Eastern Red Cedar Seedling/Tubeling Ellepot Juniperus virginiana Seedling/Tubeling Ellepot 550
Eastern Red Cedar Seedling/Tubeling Ellepot

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